Friday, September 30, 2011

Here is the text of an email I just sent to one of my former research associates who said:

I like it.With good enough security, you could run the office management software from the cloud.
But how will you create documents? No keyboard. It's hard to compose or write an email without a keyboard.

The Dragon software on my iPad runs in the cloud and is virtually flawless. Dragon has used the iPad software to develop a huge database of voices and words and that is why it is working so well. What does not work is the interface between Dragon and email so I don't use it very often. But, that is sort of beside the point because if you parse the language that Amazon has used in the announcement it indicates that they intend to run the Silk browser with other operating systems. Today the rumor is that Amazon is talking to HP about buying the Palm portfolio which includes WebOs, the best mobile operating system I have seen. The Fire is the first of many and we don't know much about what the single mini-usb port will support. In all events, this is I think the beginning of the next wave of mobile personal computing. And, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are not going to be sitting back with glazed eyes saying "ain't it cool"?

Amazon Cloud Boosts Fire -

HERE WE GO! While Apple fiddles with Samsung in Australia the Fire is burning: Amazon Cloud Boosts Fire -

Can ‘Moneyball’ Principles Be Applied to the Valuation of Legal Services? - ABA Journal

One of the key concepts underlying virtual law firms is the substitution of "value" billing in the place of the hourly bill. Here is a distinctly current approach to the issue: Can ‘Moneyball’ Principles Be Applied to the Valuation of Legal Services? - ABA Journal

Amazon 10.1-inch tablet to ship before the holidays? | Crave - CNET

It just keeps on coming today. WebOS running from the cloud is beyond amazing to contemplate. Amazon 10.1-inch tablet to ship before the holidays? | Crave - CNET

Kindle Fire: The commoditization of computing has begun | ZDNet

This fellow has it right and he doesn't even focus on the split processing innovation of the Silk Browser. If that works as promised the prediction here is certainly correct. Kindle Fire: The commoditization of computing has begun | ZDNet

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Amazon Silk—Amazon's Revolutionary Cloud-Accelerated Web Browser

This may be the most significant technological step in many years. If Amazon is able to move most of the computing load from the computer to the cloud for small consumer devices it will dramatically change the way we work. Now remember, Amazon holds the key to the front door of its massive cloud. That may raise some significant legal issues, particularly under the Sherman Act since Amazon is so far ahead in cloud development. Apple will have to respond and with $75 billion in their cash drawer the sparks will fly!
You read it here first!

Legal software: Automation could kill lawyers. Why that's good for everyone else. - Slate Magazine

" . . . While legal automation will be a boon for those who can't afford representation, it's bad news for lawyers. The industry is already in a slump, and law school is no longer seen as a sure path to riches. Because software will allow fewer lawyers to do a lot more work, it's sure to drive down both price and demand." Legal software: Automation could kill lawyers. Why that's good for everyone else. - Slate Magazine

Many of the lawyers who survive this revolution will be in "virtual" practices that provide specialized services. The technology necessary to practice virtually is low cost and increasingly capable of providing a full service law firm with high quality client interaction.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Biggest story from the Kindle Fire presser: Silk browser | ZDNet

Biggest story from the Kindle Fire presser: Silk browser | ZDNet This is a very big deal. If the Silk browser is as fast as it should be this will be the new standard for the virtual law office. I have not yet collected the functional details but I have pre-ordered a Fire. As soon as I run it through my law office tricks test I will write a full report. At the very least, this is the first full use of the cloud we have been talking about for the last 18 months.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New York State Bar Resolution Calls For "Practice Ready Lawyers" is a Blog by Professor Campos at the University of Colorado that raises many issues concerning the current status of legal education in the United States. Our system of education and certification of lawyers is unique and is increasingly being called into question on grounds of effectiveness, value and professional training. The following expresses the view of many of us: New York State Bar Resolution Calls For "Practice Ready Lawyers"

Monday, September 12, 2011

Law grads going solo and loving it - Business - Personal finance - Careers -

The following article has a lot of useful information and a point of view that will be of interest to both 3Ls and recent grads. To get the full scope of the discussion, however, you need to read all of the comments which represent the various perspectives on going Solo. It is certainly a difficult undertaking but with a little elbow grease and a bit of attitude it can be done!

Law grads going solo and loving it - Business - Personal finance - Careers -

Friday, September 9, 2011

Why I quit my job, went to work for WizIQ, and put my kid in private school | ZDNet

The following article is a great argument for changes in all education, including legal education. It is all about preparing young people for the 21st Century mess we have left them to clean up.

Why I quit my job, went to work for WizIQ, and put my kid in private school | ZDNet

Legal Field Is Nation’s Most Difficult Industry for Job Placement, Employment Website Says - News - ABA Journal

Just as I started this blog I became aware of the Scam Blog phenomena, in particular the blog by LawProf called Inside the Law School Scam Over the last month I have spent much time reading these blogs and the comments from many young lawyers who are caught in terrible economic trap. They have six figure school debt and no work. Legal Field Is Nation’s Most Difficult Industry for Job Placement, Employment Website Says - News - ABA Journal

Law office technology will, I think, reduce demand for both lawyers and for many kinds of legal services. At the same time, modern law office technology can support the creation of much leaner small firms that have a very focused goal.